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Santa Fe Opera Chorus, photo by Curtis Brown for the Santa Fe Opera

Orfeo 2023

July 29 - August 24, 2023

Don’t Look Back!

Legendary lovers, Orfeo and Euridice, face death and separation. They undertake a perilous journey from the underworld back to the world of the living. One rule must be followed: Orfeo cannot look at Euridice. His conviction falters, he turns …

This visually breath-taking new production will be directed by MacArthur Prize Winner Yuval Sharon. Starring tenor Rolando Villazón and featuring a new orchestration by Nico Muhly.

¡No mires atrás!

Los amantes legendarios Orfeo y Eurídice se enfrentan a la muerte y a la separación eterna, lo que los empuja a un peligroso viaje desde el inframundo hasta el mundo de los vivos. Sólo hay un requisito: Orfeo no puede mirar a Eurídice. Su fe se tambalea, vuelve la mirada y…

Esta nueva y cautivadora producción corre a cargo del ganador del Premio MacArthur Yuval Sharon. El reparto incluye al famoso tenor Rolando Villazón en una nueva orquestación de Nico Muhly.

Music By
Claudio Monteverdi
World Premiere Orchestration By
Nico Muhly
Libretto By
Alessandro Striggio
Sung In
Instant Translation Screen
English and Spanish
Production support generously provided by
The Avenir Production Fund
Additional artistic support provided by
Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation
Edward & Betsy Cohen – The Aretê Foundation
Sarah Billinghurst Solomon
Brautigam-Kaplan-Ostergaard Foundation
The General Director’s Premiere Fund in honor of Richard Gaddes
The Fund for New or Rarely Performed Operas by Dr. Patricia A. McFate
in memory of Ambassador Sidney N. Graybeal
The performances of Rolando Villazón are supported by
Gene & Jean Stark
The performances of Lauren Snouffer are supported by
The MacKay Fund for Debut Artists
Production Illustration By
Benedetto Cristofani
Run Time
Approximately 1 hour 45 minutes; no intermission
Please Be Advised
This production contains mist, strobing effects and bright light beams.



La Musica (Music) addresses the audience: she desires to sing of the demigod Orfeo (Orpheus), whose music-making tamed wild beasts and infernal spirits alike.

La Música se dirige al público. Desea cantar la historia del semidiós Orfeo, cuya música amansaba a las fieras y a los espíritus infernales.

Act I

Shepherds and nymphs rejoice at the wedding of Orfeo and Euridice. The bridal couple proclaim their perfect happiness and make their way to the temple to offer tribute.

Los pastores y las ninfas celebran jubilosos las nupcias de Orfeo y Eurídice. Los contrayentes proclaman al mundo su felicidad y se dirigen al templo a hacer su ofrenda.

Act II

Orfeo, happy to be in his home country of Thrace, comes to make merry with the shepherds, turning the very air to gold with his song. La Messaggera (the Messenger), bursts in with the news that Euridice has been bitten by a serpent and is already dead. Orfeo is stunned. He refuses to believe they can ever be parted and vows to find her in the underworld, either to bring her back to the light of the day or to remain in Hades with her forever. The grief-stricken Messenger retires to mourn alone. The shepherds lament.

Orfeo, jubiloso de estar de vuelta en su Tracia natal, se une a la celebración de los pastores, cantando y convirtiendo el aire en oro con su canto. La mensajera entra presurosa trayendo la noticia de que Eurídice ha sido mordida por una serpiente y que no se ha podido hacer nada por ella. Orfeo está conmocionado. Se niega a creer que no podrán estar juntos y jura ir a buscarla al inframundo, sea para traerla de vuelta al mundo de los vivos o para permanecer con ella en el infierno por toda la eternidad. La mensajera se retira a llorar sola. Los pastores también están de luto.


At the gates of hell, Orfeo is visited by the goddess Speranza (Hope), who encourages him to seek Euridice in the underworld. She regretfully must leave him there, for the sign reads, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter.” Refused passage across the Styx by Caronte the boatman, Orfeo nevertheless sings his way into Hades, singing Caronte into a deep sleep. The Spirits champion the enterprising and undaunted human spirit.

A las puertas del infierno, Orfeo recibe la visita de la diosa Esperanza, que le anima a buscar a Eurídice. Desafortunadamente, la diosa no puede continuar con él, ya que hay un letrero a la entrada que dice “aquellos que oséis entrar, abandonad toda esperanza.” El barquero Caronte le ha denegado el paso a través de la laguna Estigia pero Orfeo ha conseguido dormirlo con su canto y llega hasta el infierno mismo. Los espíritus eternos siempre están junto al espíritu humano que es intrépido y valiente.

Act IV

Proserpina begs her husband Plutone, in the name of their love, to release Euridice. The Spirits second her plea. Plutone relents and allows Orfeo to reclaim her on the condition that he not look back at her while he is leading her home. Fearing deceit, he looks back. All is lost. She is forced to remain, and he is forced back to the land of the living. The Spirits remark that a man may conquer hell, but if he conquer not himself, he has not won the victory.

Proserpina implora a su querido esposo Plutón que libere a Eurídice. Los espíritus eternos se unen a la súplica. Plutón accede y permite a Orfeo llevársela a condición de que no la mire durante todo el camino de vuelta a casa. Temiendo haber sido engañado, Orfeo dirige su mirada hacia Eurídice. Todo se viene abajo. Eurídice es condenada a quedarse en el inframundo y Orfeo debe volver al mundo de los vivos. Los espíritus eternos confirman que, aunque un hombre conquiste el infierno, si no logra conquistarse a sí mismo, no puede considerarse realmente victorioso.

Act V

Orfeo wanders the Thracian fields alone with his redoubled grief. His father Apollo, god of music, appears and invites him to join the gods, where he will be able to see Euridice from the stars. They ascend to Heaven together.

Orfeo vaga por las tierras de Tracia solo y desconsolado. Aparece su padre Apolo, dios de la música, y le ofrece unirse a él en el mundo de los dioses, desde el que podrá ver a Eurídice. Apolo y Orfeo ascienden juntos a los cielos.


Sutliff, Luke headshot

Luke Sutliff


Orfeo (July 29)

Rolando Villazon headshot

Rolando Villazón


Orfeo (August 2-24)

Paula Murrihy headshot

Paula Murrihy


La Messaggera (through August 16)

Lucy Evans

Lucy Evans


La Messaggera (August 24)

Lauren Snouffer headshot

Lauren Snouffer


La Musica/Speranza

Amber Norelai headshot

Amber Norelai



James Creswell headshot

James Creswell



Blake Denson headshot

Blake Denson



Alois, Caitlin headshot

Caitlin Aloia



Lucy Evans

Lucy Evans


La Ninfa (through August 16)

Meridian Prall

Meridian Prall


La Ninfa (Aug 24)

Luke Harnish

Luke Harnish



Philippe L'Esperance

Philippe L'Esperance


1st Pastore

Brandon Bell

Brandon Bell


2nd Pastore

Luke Elmer

Luke Elmer


3rd Pastore

Younggwang Park

Younggwang Park


4th Pastore/1st Spirit

Le Bu

Le Bu


5th Pastore/2nd Spirit

Nico Muhly headshot

Nico Muhly


Harry Bicket

Harry Bicket


Yuval Sharon headshot

Yuval Sharon


Alex Schweder headshot

Alex Schweder

Visual Environment

Matthew Johnson headshot

Matthew Johnson

Visual Environment


Carlos J Soto

Costume Designer

Yuki Link headshot

Yuki Nakase Link

Lighting Designer

Hana S Kim headshot

Hana S. Kim

Projection Designer

Mark Grey headshot

Mark Grey

Sound Designer

Susanne Sheston headshot

Susanne Sheston

Chorus Director

Rick Sordelet headshot

Rick Sordelet

Fight & Intimacy Director

Christian Sordelet headshot

Christian Kelly-Sordelet

Fight & Intimacy Director

Shireen Yehya headshot

Shireen Yehya

Fight & Intimacy Director

Julie Kim headshot

Julie Kim

Associate Producer

Production Photography
